Languages and technical choices
First of all – no language is the best! But based on a specific technical request, there can be a big difference in which language solves the challenge best.

When you are assigned to a Tikweb Tech Team – then the future language and platform are chosen based on a combination of existing code, wishes for the future, and your priorities. We then find the right developer with the right skills to suit the given task.
A couple of typical wishes:
I have had various developers involved and have various codes, what do you recommend? It depends on what you have – but often Laravel is chosen as a framework (PHP-based) and Vue.js as a front-end framework, because it is an easy solution that gets you to the goal quickly and that all developers can maintain.
I need an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in a hurry to test if my idea can be sold! We use regular PHP with WordPress and a collection of plugins as a platform. For the front end, we use jQuery.
My system must be headless, and use GraphQL, MVC etc. We would much rather hear about your needs or wishes for the application and choose based on your needs than start with a specific technology. Below you can see a selection of technologies we work with.
Front-end JavaScript frameworks
Default for Laravel. Dual integration mode is great for high-end SPA applications and good for developing cross-platform. Easy to learn. See all frameworks built with Vue.js.
Created by Google. Perfect for developing a Single Page Application (SPA).
Created by Facebook. Perfect for dynamic web pages with high incoming traffic.
Popular due to its support for two-way data binding.
Meteor, Mithril, Node.js, NestJS, Polymer, Aurelia, Backbone.js, Knockout, Riot
These are also good – and there are more!
This is Angular v1 – and completely different from Angular, which is also called Angular v2.
Back-end frameworks
Phoenix – Elixir
Extremely fast MVC using the Elixir language, powered by Erlang Virtual Machine (VM). Generally 4 times faster than Rails, Laravel, etc.
Flask – Python
Flask is a microframework for Python
Django – Python
Fast and scalable.
Express – Node.js/Javascript
MVC Framework built in Javascript and powered by Node.js/JavaScript.
Rails – Ruby
MVC framework using the Ruby language – often called Ruby on Rails (RoR).
Laravel – PHP
PHP-based MVC framework.
.NET – C #
.NET is a Microsoft/Windows-originated framework, but is now also available in Linux. Supports several languages primarily C# (C sharp) and VB. ASP.NET extends .NET specifically for web apps.
Spring – Java
The favorite Java framework.
Mojolicious – Perl
Most prefer Python now.
What are the best backend web frameworks?
Here is the Slant community current list and hotframeworks.
Front-end component Frameworks (Front-end UI frameworks)
Vuetify (Material Design with Vue.js)
Design Language
The design language specifies the look and feel of your product by describing color schemes, shapes, patterns, textures, layouts, etc., and secures a consistent design.
Material Design (Google 2014)
Flat Design (Apple 2013 – v2 got shadows in 2014)
Fluent Design System (Microsoft 2017)
Microsoft design language / Metro (Microsoft 2012)
See more design languages or learn to create your own.
Javascript framework extensions
StoryBook, Motion UI, Gatsby, Next.js.
In 2016 GraphQL emerged.
CSS front-end frameworks
Bootstrap etc: Top Frontend Frameworks – KeyCDN and
The 5 Most Popular Front-end Frameworks Compared — SitePoint
Semantic UI
Technical terms in plain English
MVC – Model View Controller
Divides an application into three interconnected parts, the Model, the View, and the controller.
MVVM – Model View ViewModel
MVVM means separating the GUI from back-end logic (data model).
Why Vue?
Vue’s components, which let us think of each UI piece in isolation, encourage reusability through modularity while keeping our UI consistent.
We should focus on turning our components into building blocks that can be organized and used in multiple projects.
Do we need to share components between projects and applications, organize them for your team, and sync them in all your projects while developing them and making changes from any project??? (article)
CMS systems
Laravel growth on the top 10.000 sites worldwide and the rest
Laravel Reference sites
Stock exchange
Languages and technical choices
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